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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Council approves adopting five Calls to Action, annual updates on responses to Truth and Reconciliation - Fort McMurray Today

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Council unanimously approved adopting five new TRC Calls to Action specific to child welfare, language and culture, commemoration, and businesses and reconciliation. The municipality has implemented 23 Calls to Action.


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Going forward, the RMWB will also base its reconciliation framework on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Funding supporting the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will be included in the RMWB’s annual budget. Administration will provide annual updates on responses to Truth and Reconciliation, and a detailed progress report every four years.

The proposed changes came from the Responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action: Principles for a Collaborative Pathway Forward in Wood Buffalo report, an action plan to continue reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and communities.

The report outlines work the municipality has undertaken. This includes Indigenous awareness training, the initiative for a Moccasin Flats Memorial, the Kiyām Community Park, and creating Cree and Dene translations for emergency evacuation information, community emergency management plans and the RMWB’s mask bylaw.

“Not only does the indigenous rural relations keep a steady flow of information going for all, but they have also asked us for our input in important issue value or traditional knowledge, making us feel seen and included,” said Bryan Fayant, disaster and recovery strategist with the McMurray Métis. “Through collective collaborative efforts we have seen incredible progress when it comes to inclusion.”

While most agreed that positive steps have been taken, they also acknowledged that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.


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Jo-Anne Packham, a member of McMurray Métis local and a member of the reconciliation advisory council, spoke about past experiences dealing with the municipality while trying to grow programs helping the Indigenous homeless population in 2013.

“Back then, not so very long ago, I was shocked at the unwillingness of the RMWB administration to want to look at and evaluate the programs and shift to best practices when working with the Indigenous homeless population,” she said. “I recall once being told from a middle manager to remove all supporting documentation on the need for Indigenous methodologies and culture, from my proposal, and ideally the word Indigenous at all, because nobody really wanted to hear any of that anyway.”

“But from then until now, it is a very different experience. We now hold a large part of the funding for the homeless sector for our community and are supported in developing new and innovative programming from the RMWB.”

Alice Martin, an elder with the Reconciliation Advisory Circle, told council it is an opportunity to teach, create awareness and share their truths about colonization and the impact.

“Considering the history of colonization and its impact, our work is just beginning,” she said. “However, in looking at this in a positive way, there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.”

Councillor Mike Allen apologized for a past ignorance and started learning about the residential schools when the TRC report came out.


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“I think it’s important every time we go through this experience and we start talking about it more, the more we learn and the more we can heal and the more we can share with others as well,” he said.

Councillor Verna Murphy also asked about work to keep more foster children in the region. Dennis Fraser, the municipality’s director of Indigenous and Rural Relations, said is there a role for the municipality to take a look at, but right now they don’t know what that is. He said it is something they will explore.

Only one delegate opposed the motion. Fort McMurray resident Philip Osborne argued an indigenous person should be defined as any Canadian citizen, so talks about truth and reconciliation were flawed. Court orders have banned Osborne from contacting most staff at the municipality and the Fort McMurray Public School District.

Peddle told Osborne his comments were “disturbing” and urged him to take courses on Indigenous history. Scott also told Osborne he disagreed with his comments.

Council also unanimously approved a social procurement policy and asked that administration consult with Northeastern Alberta Aboriginal Business Association, Indigenous communities and businesses about including municipal procurement opportunities for Indigenous businesses.



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    Council approves adopting five Calls to Action, annual updates on responses to Truth and Reconciliation - Fort McMurray Today
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